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Who could have predicted one year ago how 2020 would turn out? The new decade was looked at with so much enthusiasm and hope. To some, it represented a new beginning and opportunity to set new goals and aspirations to be achieved over the next decade. To others, it was just like every other new year. But, no one could have imagined the current predicament we find ourselves in. The world as we know it has changed, and for those that are not too young to forget the current times, it is a memory they will forever remember. They will remember it as the time a virus brought humanity to its knees.

Covid-19, otherwise known as Corona Virus 2019, is an infectious disease caused by the newly discovered Corona virus. Most people infected with the virus experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without needing special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical conditions are more likely to develop serious illness. The 17th of November, 2019, this life changing virus set sail. On this day,the first confirmed case of Covid-19 was discovered in Wuhan, China. About a month later, the cases increased to 60. Four months later, the virus had affected 1,350,372 worldwide with 74,826 deaths, making its way to the top ten worst pandemics in history.

Its ability to spread incredibly quickly among humans, and its flu like symptoms have left scientists confused. February 2020, only three months after the first confirmed state, the virus had spread to every continent except Antarctica. What seems to be spreading twice as fast as the virus though, is various misconceptions and news on how to treat and even "cure" the virus! About two weeks ago, there were waves of videos and online posts that claimed that 5G wireless technology causes Covid-19. This brings us to the main point of this post: DOES 5G CAUSE CORONA VIRUS?

Let us begin our search for the truth with a few questions, and we will let these questions guide us.

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of wireless communications technologies supporting cellular networks. 5G is said to be almost 100 times as fast as the 4G cellular network. A lot of the fascination about 5G comes from its latency. Latency is the period it takes information to travel from when it is sent to when it is received. 5G is known for its low latency, achieving a remarkable speed of 1-2 Gigabits per second.

5G seems like a good thing, so why are people so scared?

As fascinating as the 5G is, there are people against this technology, and this has been way before Covid-19. Despite the different reports from experts, conspiracists still believe that the technology is harmful and dangerous to humans. The arguments are of course baseless, as most of these conspiracists find it hard to believe such a technology can exist without repercussions. To be more exact, the main fear is that since the millimeter wave used in 5G is also used in military weapons, the 5G project might be a secret military weapon launched by the government . This is not true! The use of millimeter waves for 5G has been something that has been tested and observed for decades and was used only because experts (working independently and also for the government) ruled it harmless to humans.

So, how is 5G connected to Covid-19?

In the words of Mr. World, "Fear has no end. Fear is limitless. Fear thrives and feeds on itself, preparing you for calamity, preparing you to believe that the most important things are the most dangerous. If it’s real in your mind, it’s real in the world". After months of trying to convince the government to halt their support for 5G, conspiracists decided to jump on the fear and anxiety associated with the current times and associate the spread of Covid-19 to 5G. By appealing to our emotions of fear, which are currently higher than they have ever been, these conspiracists have forced us into believing the virus is caused by 5G. They support their claim, by releasing false and made up videos about how the 5G poles emit radiation that weaken the immune system. Some even claim the 5G poles are a source of the virus itself. How illogical! The 5G technology, as stated above,has been tested for years, before being approved safe for human exposure. In regards to the claim that the technology itself causes the virus. This is not true! Covid-19 is caused by the recently discovered corona virus, which is no way connected to 5G!

What does this mean, and what are the conclusions drawn?

It means we should all be analytical and logical in how we interpret and process information we see on social media. A lot of conspiracists are trying to use this uncommon times to spread a lot of false agendas. We cannot allow them to soil our minds with untrue and biased arguments. With that said, we must also realize that the virus in itself spreads only through human contacts and must follow the guidelines specified by health operatives and the WHO. Social distancing and increased hygiene should be our focus as these are the surest ways to fight and tackle the virus.

I think we can now confidently answer the question posed in the title of this post. We can say the statement: 5G causes Covid-19 , is a fallacy, and an attempt by conspiracists to prey on our emotions of fear during these uncommon times. So, let us stop sharing videos and posts about 5G being a cause and use this time wisely in developing ourselves mentally, physically and even spiritually.


Below is a link to a self assessment test developed by the Ontario government of Canada, to allow citizens confirm if they have Covid-19 symptoms and start the process of self-isolation.

Remember the virus only moves through humans. If we all respect the lock down and stay in our respective homes, we can definitely beat the virus!


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Apr 11, 2020

Very informative 👍


Apr 11, 2020

Very informative 👍


Apr 11, 2020

Great job


Moyo O
Moyo O
Apr 11, 2020

Extensive research,,, Impressive.

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