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Green Day For A Green Earth

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

Today is World Earth Day and we're going green!!! We know lots of questions are being asked about Earth Day and what it represents. We will answer all your questions and also talk about some of the activities we need to stop to save the earth, and what we need to start doing instead.

What is Earth Day and When is it celebrated?

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated globally, intended to endorse and advocate for environment protection and conservation. Earth Day is celebrated on the 22nd April. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, pioneered by the American senator, Gaylord Nelson.

Why should we celebrate Earth Day?

Earth Day symbolizes a day to stand for environment protection and the preservation of the Earth. It is also a day to spread awareness about caring for nature and being more conscious about how we treat our home, "Earth".

"The Greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." - Robert Swan.

There is a great need for us to realize that no one but ourselves are capable of saving the Earth. Over the last twenty years, there has been an outcry by scientists, insisting that the earth is experiencing a rapid increase in its average temperature thanks to human activities like mining and fuel combustion. This is know as global warming. Scientists have also warned there is an immediate need to halt harmful human activities like deforestation and oil exploration and substitute for activities like recycling and investment in greener energy.

This brings us to our next question: What can we do to preserve the Earth and celebrate Earth Day? We recommend seven activities that are proven in preserving our environment and aiding the fight against global warming.

1. Plant a tree: One of the first things we recommend in celebrating Earth Day is to plant a tree. Green plants (trees), through the process of photosynthesis, utilize carbon (IV) oxide, a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, in manufacturing glucose which they consume. The removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere is one of the best ways to reduce global warming. The best thing is, it is not that difficult to plant a tree. All we need are some simple gardening tools and viable seeds. We can even get seeds from our favorite fruits like mango. Below is a link on how to grow a mango tree from the comfort of your home:

2. Reduce your water waste: Saving water also helps to save the Earth. This is because it takes a lot of energy to pump, heat and treat your water. So, rather than taking long showers that last for hours, you should aim to take short showers that last for a maximum of twenty to thirty minutes. Also, when doing the dishes, how about conserving water by running the tap on the lowest level. This will effectively help to reduce wastage.

3. Stop wasting food: I can't stress this enough! Stop wasting your food! A lot of energy goes into processing and packaging food items. When we purchase more food than we can consume, we end up wasting it and in the process wasting the energy used in the manufacturing and processing.

4. Stop littering: Whether it's paper pieces or Pepsi bottles, littering is never an option. Irrespective of how untidy the environment is, don't add your litter to the trash. It takes one person to start a movement. Be the example!

5. Make your journey green: There is absolutely no need to enter a car or vehicle for every single trip outside our home. Sometimes, something as simple as buying groceries, or maybe a visit to a friends house can be done by walking or using a bicycle. Asides from the positive effect on the environment, it also helps you, as it is a form of exercise. Also, opting for public transport also helps. With public transport, you have more people traveling at once and that reduces the number of cars on the road, thus reducing greenhouse emission.

6. Be politically aware: By becoming politically conscious, we realize the people we vote for and give the responsibility of making decisions for us goes a long way in the battle against global warming. By voting a government that understands the effect of global warming and opts for safer and greener energy alternatives, we are saving the earth.

7. Spread the news: Perhaps this is the most important of all six activities. A lot of people are oblivious of the fact that their activities and negligence have a negative effect on the earth. You can play your part by informing friends and family on the need to become conscious towards the preservation of the earth. You can even do these six activities with them, monitoring the progress you have all made in maintaining a greener earth.


Thank you for joining us in celebrating Earth Day! Below is a link to to the Earth Day Network's Take Action Project, which identifies different ways you can join the movement:

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Moyo O
Moyo O
Apr 23, 2020

Great job👏

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