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"Boredom stay far away from me"

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

In the beginning, you might have seen this quarantine as a gift, a way to take time off from school. I mean, most of us have dreamed of something like this happening once in our lives, although not for the same reasons as this did. During high school, we come back from holidays and we'd ask, "Why can't holidays last a year?", "Why can't I sleep through the day?" At that time, it seemed practical, a faraway daydream that we'd snap out of when we are surrounded with friends and going over the details of our holiday. Now, you are stuck at home and you have begun alternating between YouTube, Instagram, TicTok, and Whatsapp, looking for something to keep you interested. But it's all to no avail. Well, here are six things to keep you from losing your mind, certified by me. I AM DOING ALL OF THEM ;)

  1. Take care of Yourself: Wash your face three times a day, you do not want to return to school with pimples. Actually hydrate, not only because it is advised by WHO to keep you healthy, but it also does amazing things to your skin. You do not want to come out of this period looking like a shriveled up log. You'd want your skin to shine and be smooth. Also, bathe. I wish I didn't have to emphasize this, but you'd be surprised how many people think bathing is only for when you are going out. It is not. Your family members have noses too, take pity on them. Lastly, sleep and exercise. Sleep is very important because, during school time, you might not have had time to catch up on all your zzz(s). But now you do, so get those eight hours of sleep and lose those eye bags!

  2. Learn a Language: Lately, I have been trying to learn Chinese with the Duolingo app, which is a free language learning app. I spend an hour repeating words and looking at the Pinyin because next time I am watching a good Chinese drama, I do not want to wait a month for it to become subbed in English before I enjoy it. But you could choose a language just to have something to add to your resume. I recommend using the app, HelloTalk, to speak to locals of whatever language you'd like to learn. It helps and, IT'S FREE!

  3. Catch up: There's that series you were watching or that friend that you've been saying you'll talk to when you have the time. Guess what, you have the time. Check up on your friends from school, finish that series you've been wanting to watch, read that book you had started and forget. Even better, catch up on those subjects you aren't great in and take time to surprise that teacher or lecturer that has been giving you the bad eye.

  4. Take an online course: Everybody is saying it, take a free online course. Utilize sites like Coursera and earn a degree from Princeton or some other top university. You can learn a lot in a month.

  5. Build up the skills you already have: Good in writing? Try your hand at writing a book. Good in creating look books? Create your very own post-quarantine look-book. Good at drawing? Do a self-portrait. Good at taking pictures? Try to make a portfolio from pictures of things around your home. Challenge yourself and you might just create a masterpiece, even if it is just bomb pictures.

  6. Family Time: If you are with your family, this might be the time to actually associate with them. Have a game night playing scrabble or monopoly. Put some money down and when you win against your parents, you get to brag throughout the entire holiday.

I hope you found this post helpful and possibly entertaining. Stay safe and stay home, but try to have fun too. Tell us what you've decided you'll be doing in the comments below!

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Apr 01, 2020

Impressive! 👏



I would definitely be learning a language

Very interested in Korean language


Mar 31, 2020



Moyo O
Moyo O
Mar 31, 2020

Amazing post...


abiodun adetula
Mar 31, 2020

Great one

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